Our Success Stories

MasterMind · Tech excels at meeting customer needs  with tailored, innovative solutions. Our success stories in Hospitality, Medicine, and Industry sectors demonstrate our ability to enforce positive change, operational improvement and growth. Explore how we have transformed these sectors and fulfilled customer requirements with our cutting-edge technologies.

Patented Intelligent Mirrors

  • Planning, Validation and Agreement

    We began our journey with Uraldi, a leading mirrors manufacturer, by deeply understanding their vision of creating smart mirrors that could detect and eliminate mist before it occurred, taking into account specific design parameters, such as maximum dimensions of our electronic device or banned areas for its location.

    We conducted thorough market research and technical analysis to validate the feasibility of Uraldi's innovative idea, as well as the best technological approaches to achieve it. After defining the scope of work, their requirements and clear goals for the project, we formalized our partnership with a detailed agreement. This included project timelines, deliverables, and cost structures, ensuring both parties were aligned from the start.

  • Design, Development and Testing

    Our development team elaborated an initial algorithmic modelling of the mist generation physical phenomenon which was used as a base for future refinement. Some dificulties occured, such as the impossibility of measuring the precise temperature on the surface of the mirros, due to an increment of the manufactury cost and mantainance of the aesthetical mirror design.

    To overcome those issues, MasterMind · Tech added a component of Artifitial Intelligence, by adding some new experimental variables that were adjusted test after test, finally achieving the desired mist detection behaviour. The testing phase was performed inside the customers' factory, applying our new changes remotely by Over-The-Air (OTA) Firmware updates.

  • Patenting, Launch and Manufactury

    The validation of the final solution was not an easy process: one of the goals was adjusting the mist detection to the second, providing the most accurate energy efficiency experience. This lead to the detection of false positives and to ending the detection too early, due to the extreme detection sensibility.

    After overcoming those dificulties, Uraldi was ready to patent the solution with our help as technical consultants and the legal advisory of a 3rd company. Once the patent was validated by all the parties, presented and under acceptance process, Uraldi decided to launch the product, that had a great market acceptance from the beginnig, even being congratulated and recognized by public Basque Country entities. MasterMind · Tech was, and will be for at least the following 20 years, in charge of the manufactury of the solution.

Generating a whole new Sustainability policy

  • A smoking issue in the hotel

    Hotel Apartamentos Simon Verde, located in a privileged environment and known for offering a comfortable and welcoming stay, has over 100 apartments that provide guests with a unique experience of comfort and tranquility. In its continuous effort to improve the quality of its services and guest satisfaction, the hotel has taken a significant step by implementing the Cigarette Smoke and Indoor Air Quality monitoring system from MasterMind · Tech. Additionally, as part of its sustainability actions, the hotel has installed these systems in key areas such as the reception and meeting rooms, ensuring a healthy environment for all visitors.

    Hotel Apartamentos Simon Verde faced a common challenge in the hospitality industry: complaints from non-smoking guests about the smell of cigarette smoke in rooms and common areas. These complaints not only affected the hotel's reputation on Booking.com but also resulted in frequent room changes, causing inconvenience for both guests and hotel staff.

  • Strategy creation and implementation

    Our marketing team analysed the website of Hotel Apartamentos Simon Verde, its social media and Booking.com listings and the feedback received from its guests. Once the analysis was done, and in line with the hotel's requirements, MasterMind · Tech planned, elaborated and delivered a complete customised marketing plan that addressed points such as marketing campaigns and promotional activities, graphical materials for the hotel’s website and social media. As well, we created instructions for the personnel in order to correctly transmit the revamped sustainable philosophy of Apartamentos Simón Verde, and the out-of-the-box loyalty program.

    Our installation team travelled to Seville in order to install more than 100 devices in each and every one of the hotel rooms, common areas and meeting rooms. In addition, we conducted training sessions for the Reception, Management and Operations teams, creating customized workflows for the hotel and establishing a work methodology.

    The hotel Management made requests for customized functionalities for the Indoor Air Quality and Cigarette Control systems, which were developed and implemented in less than 10 days.

  • Achievements brought by our implementation

    The adoption of MasterMind · Tech's system has generated remarkable results at Hotel Apartamentos Simon Verde:

    1. Reduction of Complaints on Booking.com: Since the implementation of the system, complaints related to the smell of cigarette smoke have significantly decreased online. Non-smoking guests have expressed their satisfaction with the clean and fresh air in the hotel's facilities.

    2. Decrease in Room Changes: Room changes due to tobacco smell have practically disappeared, improving the hotel's operational efficiency and reducing stress for both staff and guests.

    3. Improvement in Hotel Reputation: With fewer complaints and more positive feedback, Hotel Apartamentos Simon Verde's reputation has notably improved, attracting more customers who value a smoke-free environment.

    4. Healthy Environment: The air quality in the hotel has improved, providing a healthier environment for all guests, especially those sensitive to cigarette smoke.

    5. Commitment to Sustainability: By installing air monitoring systems in the reception and meeting rooms, the hotel has demonstrated its commitment to sustainable practices and creating healthier spaces for everyone.

    Enrique Congosto, Director of Hotel Apartamentos Simón Verde:

    "In fact, it is a more positive measure for non-smokers than for smokers, as non-smokers can see how the hotel takes care of their health and the air they breathe. In addition, customer complaints about the smell of smoke have been reduced to a minimum on Booking.com and social media, and internal room changes due to the smell of tobacco have almost disappeared as well."

We are a Key partner for your core business

  • The birth of a deep partnership

    Our collaboration with Medic Clean Air started as a result of the success of our Indoor Air Quality monitoring system in several hospitals and medical centres in Spain. Medic Clean Air is a manufacturer of Air Quality improvement systems, creation of isolation rooms, among others. Through our solutions they were seeking a proven way to demonstrate the effectiveness of their devices in hospitals, medical centres and cliniques they are operating in, in Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

  • Maximizing value, minimizing costs

    Medic Clean Air decided to use our system as a base, adding customizations both in the electronic and software parts. This allowed them to obtain a system totally adapted to their needs in a truly economical way, since they did not have to develop a system from scratch. Examples of modifications made were:
    - Inclusion of sensors and auxiliary devices for measuring pressure difference, with the aim of calculating air flows between rooms, following applicable regulations.
    - Creation of visualization devices with external display, installed in hospital corridors.
    - Development of a customized Dashboard and adaptation of the visualization platform to Medic Clean Air's corporate identity.

  • Timeless collaboration

    The collaboration with Medic Clean Air does not end with the development of the described system, but MasterMind · Tech remains as a partner for consulting, marketing and sales support, device manufacturing, maintenance and system upgrades. Moreover, based on the experience that Medic Clean Air is progressively gaining, new functionalities and modifications are planned.

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Air Monitorization Technology Experts


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