On-Demand Product Development

At MasterMind · Tech, we specialize in on-demand product development, turning your unique ideas into reality. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and create tailored solutions that meet their exact requirements. Whether it’s enhancing existing products or developing entirely new innovations, we ensure high-quality results with our cutting-edge technology and extensive industry experience.

Additionally, we have a proven track record in patenting, providing you with the assurance that your innovations are protected.

Our unique differentiators

Track record & Experience

Since 2020 we have been involved in a large number of projects on Artificial Intelligence, monitoring and control of air, microorganisms, cigarette smoke, noise, among many others, obtaining patents in some of them.



MasterMind · Tech knows exactly how scientifically and technically our products work, unlike many other companies in the same sectors. We are experts in the state-of-the-art sensors and methodologies, applying the most suitable technologies.

Business Orientation

We tackle the specific needs of your business by developing products that improve processes and boost productivity. Our innovative solutions ensure your operations run smoothly and effectively by reducing costs and increasing efficiency. We focus on delivering technologies that drive your success and enhance overall performance.


We pride ourselves on our high customization possibilities and adaptability, tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients, in terms of the physical product and the software, which can be both adapted to the customer’s brand, its corporative colors and its logo. We can integrate additional sensors, components and triggers (or eliminate the unneeded ones), as well as adapt to specific geometries and spaces to suit special requirements, ensuring comprehensive environmental control.

Your Patenting Partner

At MasterMind · Tech, we guide companies through the entire journey of patenting and protecting the innovative products we build together. Our expertise ensures that your groundbreaking solutions are fully safeguarded, giving you a competitive edge in the market. From initial concept to final implementation, we work closely with you to develop unique technologies and secure their intellectual property rights.

MasterMind · Tech as your Product Developer

  • Cost Efficiency

    Pay only for the services you need, avoiding the overhead costs of maintaining an in-house team.

  • Flexibility

    Scale resources up or down based on project demands and business needs.

  • Access to Expertise

    Gain access to a team of experts with specialized skills and extensive industry experience.

  • Speed to Market

    Accelerate the development process with a dedicated team, bringing your products to market faster.

  • Focus on Core Business

    Free up internal resources to focus on strategic business activities and core competencies.

Our Product Development proposition at a glance

Needs and Goals Assessment

Engagement with you as a  client to understand your requirements, objectives, and vision for the product.

Proposal and Agreement

Definition of the project scope, deliverables, timelines, and costs, and formalization of the agreement.

Feasibility Study

Conduction of market research and technical feasibility assessments to validate the project idea and plan.

Development and Prototyping

Development of the agreed solution in an iterative way, using the agreed-upon technologies and methodologies, delivering the prototypes to test the solution concept.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Performance of rigorous testing to ensure the product meets all specifications, is free of defects, and delivers a quality user experience.

Customer Acceptance and Launch

Reception of customer feedback and application of necessary refinements based on their input. Deployment/manufacture of the product to the client's environment and assistance with the initial rollout.


Assistance to the client in patenting the product to safeguard their innovation and establish intellectual property rights.

Support and Maintenance

Provision of continuous support, addressing any issues that arise, and implementing updates and improvements based on user feedback and changing needs.

Uraldi Case Study: Patented Intelligent Mirrors

  • Planning, Validation and Agreement

    We began our journey with Uraldi, a leading mirrors manufacturer, by deeply understanding their vision of creating smart mirrors that could detect and eliminate mist before it occurred, taking into account specific design parameters, such as maximum dimensions of our electronic device or banned areas for its location.

    We conducted thorough market research and technical analysis to validate the feasibility of Uraldi's innovative idea, as well as the best technological approaches to achieve it. After defining the scope of work, their requirements and clear goals for the project, we formalized our partnership with a detailed agreement. This included project timelines, deliverables, and cost structures, ensuring both parties were aligned from the start.

  • Design, Development and Testing

    Our development team elaborated an initial algorithmic modelling of the mist generation physical phenomenon which was used as a base for future refinement. Some dificulties occured, such as the impossibility of measuring the precise temperature on the surface of the mirros, due to an increment of the manufactury cost and mantainance of the aesthetical mirror design.

    To overcome those issues, MasterMind · Tech added a component of Artifitial Intelligence, by adding some new experimental variables that were adjusted test after test, finally achieving the desired mist detection behaviour. The testing phase was performed inside the customers' factory, applying our new changes remotely by Over-The-Air (OTA) Firmware updates.

  • Patenting, Launch and Manufactury

    The validation of the final solution was not an easy process: one of the goals was adjusting the mist detection to the second, providing the most accurate energy efficiency experience. This lead to the detection of false positives and to ending the detection too early, due to the extreme detection sensibility.

    After overcoming those dificulties, Uraldi was ready to patent the solution with our help as technical consultants and the legal advisory of a 3rd company. Once the patent was validated by all the parties, presented and under acceptance process, Uraldi decided to launch the product, that had a great market acceptance from the beginnig, even being congratulated and recognized by public Basque Country entities. MasterMind · Tech was, and will be for at least the following 20 years, in charge of the manufactury of the solution.

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Air Monitorization Technology Experts


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