Automate and Robotise your Sales Department | MasterMind · Tech Bot4Sales

Automate and Robotise your Sales Department | MasterMind · Tech Bot4Sales

Obtaining leads from potential clients, visits and meetings with companies interested in purchasing one's products and services is a complex task that requires a sales team and enormous dedication, resources and perseverance in making sales contacts. There are a large number of companies that do not have the necessary resources to maintain such a team, nor the necessary time to make the number of commercial contacts they would like to.

This was the reality for MasterMind · Tech at the beginning of our journey, until we found a solution through the development of MasterMind · Tech Bot4Sales , our own robot that allows a complete automation of the commercial emailing flow. This robotisation or automation of the sales department allowed, in our case, a cost saving of more than 70% in the same department. After a totally internal use, we consider that it is time for Bot4Sales to be marketed to third party companies.

What are Bot4Sales services?

Bot4Sales offers the following three blocks of services, contracted together or separately:

Automatic Database Creation
Our robot creates databases of companies filtered by region, number of employees, share capital, national, provincial and sectorial ranking, among others, based on one or more CNAE codes.

Email extraction
Bot4Sales performs a web extraction of the emails belonging to all the companies included in the database. The database can be provided from the previous service "Automatic database creation" or provided separately.

Mass emailing
Finally, a mass emailing is sent to the addresses obtained in the previous block. The list of emails can come from the previous point "Email extraction" or provided separately. The mailings are sent following the best practices to avoid being included in SPAM lists.

Why MasterMind · Tech Bot4sales is the best choice for automating your sales department?

  1. Generation of "a la carte" Databases, with the client being able to choose the economic activity of the same and establish various filters to finish profiling it.

  2. Guarantee that the Databases delivered are updated, at least, on the same day as the order is placed. Databases are generated from scratch for each new request.

  3. Saving time and resources compared to manual generation of a commercial database.

  4. Saving time and resources compared to manual emails sending.

  5. Flexibility. Contract the service you need, without being tied to other services that do not add value to your company.

  6. Total integration of the three services in a complete product, carrying out the lead generation functions of an entire sales department.

  7. Significant savings in costs associated with the commercial or sales department.

Start your sales department automation today